Mittwoch, 11. September 2013

if you happen to buy a TV in europe today, f.e. a great new flatscreener, with usb port, hdmi and all the fancy stuff, you actually bought a linux mainboard with an oversized screen output! Also it doesnt really matter what company sells you a tv, what name or brand is on them, its just variations of different mainboards from two main companys: Vestel and Beko. I dont wanna talk about the technical details here, as some are scary. But in principle you have a pc, running linux, with the same software and just change settings, or load packages as updates for the sw.

Now if you happen to get some firmware files they will contain some .bin files, some autorun script and/or maybe a pkg file. The bin files are like tree-structured ini-files that have parameteres and their value. For these files I wrote a tool called PCReader (ProfileCreator, the program these are made with) that can read these files, if someone needs it, I could probably add editing too...

Also two pins on either SCART or the VGA-cable are used to telnet into that linux machine, once I get a suitable device, im gonna try that out :P

greetz WV

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