Dienstag, 24. September 2013

riddle of the day, how does this conversation work? any hint is welcome

0x430 = 0x8030  0000 0100 0011 0000 = 1000 0000 0011 0000

0x1E1 = 0x803C  0000 0001 1110 0001 = 1000 0000 0011 1100
0x263 = 0x8048  0000 0010 0110 0011 = 1000 0000 0100 1000
0x2ed = 0x8054  0000 0010 1110 1101 = 1000 0000 0101 0100

I have the value on the right side of = and try to find the other side, after the hex version is the binary version for each value

ok, this is no conversion I found out, you take the value masked with 0x7FFF (v & 0x7FFF) and divide it by 3, now go so many entries back and take that index from list. this was the way ffx encoded its indices... wtf

greetz WV

PS:No I dont know the solution, but Ill post if I find out :P

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